WWW in your email address
“WWW = What Went Wrong” maybe that you put WWW before your e-mail address. www is a web prefix, you don’t use this for e-mail!
“.co.uk instead of .com”
A particular favourite with British users of services like www.LineOne.net, www.ntlworld.com, www.aol.com etc. Remember .co.uk is a server address, it has nothing to with the country where you live!
overly long e-mail addresses
The largest e-mail address we’ve ever seen went something like this .. ” a.person.or was.it.his.mother @bed and kitchen fittings in designer bathrooms.freeservice.co.uk”, the longer the address the more likely that you type it incorrectly!
Customers with multiple e-mail addresses
If you operate lots of different e-mail addresses you could verify that you’re checking the mail in the right place. On the subject of multiple e-mail accounts (growl) : we use your e-mail address here at drivespain.com to track your correspondance with us. Please help us to help you better. Stick to the SAME e-mail address when you contact us.
Company networks with firewalls
Our quotes come in formatted in HTML style mail so we can include images of the car and the stuff is easy to read. Some company or academic networks filter this mail out. If this is the case, consider opening a www.yahoo.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.co.uk, www.excite.co.uk e-mail account to receive our information. By far the best is www.hotmail.com which works perfectly and is completely free of charge.